
Welcome to my Digital Garden. Though Social Media is everywhere and it's easy to share content these days, the idea of a πŸƒDigital Garden is appealing.

In a garden, growth is organic and non linear as opposed to a website or even social media platforms. Just as in the presentation, the growth of ideas is similarly organic. Ideas are like 🌱 shoots; they can then become something more substantial like a 🌿 plant or wither away. In the the fullness of time, it can become permanent like a 🌳 tree.

Visitors to the Garden, can similarly make their way around the garden from branch to branch or nibble at πŸ‡ fruits as they like.

I have only just started planting!

There is a navigation tree on the left and a graph view on the right which will grow organically as ideas intermingle and connections are established.
You can also use the search facility to look at specific terms if you like.